Discover the Inspiring Origin Story of The Artist Closet with Katie Graham

Discover the Inspiring Origin Story of The Artist Closet with Katie Graham

Interview with the founder; Katie Graham (She/They)!

  • When did you start The Artist Closet and how did you come up with the idea?
    • "I started the Artist Closet in October 2022. It was originally a pop up that I hosted during vendor events alongside my art booth, “Crystal Gazers Collective LLC”. In 2020, I stumbled across a non profit called, “Broad Room” that was founded in 2018. I thought their program was amazing and wished I had a local resource similar to theirs. When I discovered that nothing like the Broad Room existed in Oklahoma, I decided to make it happen with the means I had."
  • How did you come up with the name?
    • "I started handing out supplies out of a small collapsible shelf and thought the name was fitting!"

  • How many artists have benefitted from this program so far?
    • "It’s hard to keep track of actual numbers over the last 2 years, but I’d say we’ve helped around 400 creatives obtain art supplies."
  • What are your top goals for this program for 2024?
    • "Currently, my biggest goal for The Artist Closet is to build our board members, file as a non profit, and host a grand opening party."
  • What are one (or more) obstacles that you’ve faced/are facing and how are you overcoming it?
    • "I’ve run into a lot of people that can’t believe I want to do this for free! They want to pay me for the supplies they take, or feel like they owe the Artist Closet something. The biggest challenge with encountering this mind set is having to convince people that it’s okay to want to do arts and crafts and create something. I didn’t realize it would be a challenge to get some people to be creative!"
  • What was your biggest motivation to create The Artist Closet?
    • "As a young creative, I wished I had a resource like this available to me when I needed it. Over the course of this program, I also realized that I’m motivated by helping other people find their creativity again."

  • How do you think art positively impacts our community?
    • "Because of the state of our world, many people have to choose buying necessities over art supplies. I don’t want anyone to have to choose. Having access to supplies when you’re going through hardship, will help people cope with the weight of our world in a healthy and emotionally productive way."
  • Tell me about a time that The Artist Closet successfully collaborated with a community organization.
    • "I love participating in the Red Dirt Collective Mutual Aid Fair. This event happens quarterly and it’s the most uplifting event I have seen take place in the Norman community. Every resource you can possibly imagine, gathers under one roof for 3 hours of community outreach. Everything is free to those who need it."

      "I have had some of the most touching conversations and experiences during these events. It’s wonderful to see people who aren’t used to this kind of kindness, finally receive it."
  • How do you ensure supplies are distributed to community members that need them?
    • "I do my best to participate in accessible, public events so anyone and everyone can learn about the Artist Closet. We are completely stocked through community art supply donations. Supplies are limited to 6 items per person, per visit, this is to ensure that there will always be supplies to those who visit the space." 

  • How do you envision expanding The Artist Closet and how will this goal impact the community?
    • "My overall goal for community impact is creating a safe space where people can create in our studio, use our equipment, immerse themselves in our programs, all while being around other creatives at little to no cost. Not everyone has the space, equipment, or resources to create the projects they want. Not everyone has a supportive environment to play with new mediums and see what they enjoy or don’t enjoy. We are creating that space."
  • Tell me about a fundraising idea that you’re working on or you’ve been a part of that involved The Artist Closet.
    • "I’m planning on hosting a Grand Opening for the Artist Closet's new location at Up Together Venue in October 2024. We plan to hold some kind of arts festival that incorporates local art, community engagement, and a new immersive experience."

  • What do you think are the biggest challenges you face with The Artist Closet and how do you plan on addressing them?
    • "My biggest challenge is not having more accessibility. I can only have The Artist Closet open one day a week at this time. I work for myself, creating art, and selling my work at vendor shows- which takes up A LOT of time. Once we get non profit status, I’d like to hope that I can focus more on the Artist Closet and growing our creative studio."
  • Can you share a meaningful experience you’ve had with art in your own life and how it has influenced you?
    • "It's fun to play and be creative, however, my personal work always coincides with lessons I’m learning internally. Even if I don’t realize that’s where a piece is rooted. Art is always helping me heal, even if it takes me 5 years to realize how a random piece I made helped in the past. Realizing that even when I play with materials, I’m healing some part of myself."
  • How do you think art can be used as a tool for social change and empowerment? 
    • "I think creating art is personal. It’s an internal experience that happens within oneself. It's a healing practice that you work through in the self first. Then, one projects those internal discoveries into the physical. Once art is created, it’s in the open for the world to see. Allowing oneself to create is a small act of social change and self empowerment."

      "I think it works like the butterfly effect. If you have the courage to create for yourself and be vulnerable with yourself first, you can be vulnerable with others, by showing your work to the public. Once someone sees that authenticity, the want to do the same emerges inside of them as well."
  • How do you ensure that this program is inclusive and accessible to all members of our community?
    • "I do my best to attend events that are public and easily accessible to spread the word of the Artist Closet. Anyone can drop off supplies and pick up supplies during open hours at the venue or when we have a pop-up!"

***The Artist Closet is usually open every Sunday between 1PM and 6PM at 428. E Main Street | Norman OK. It is located inside Up Together Venue in the EDO: District. If you need supplies or have donations follow Katie's instagram _CrystalGazersCollective_ where she posts hours and availability. Feel free to reach out to Up Together Venue and/or Katie if the this availability doesn't work for you. We are in and out of the venue regularly and do not mind opening the door to The Artist Closet!***
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